16 June 2021 Artificial Intelligence and Global Security, trends and threats in the 21st Century Operational Environment

Professor Ryszard Szpyra, War Studies University

Artificial Intelligence and Global Security: 
Future Trends and Threats in the 21st Century Operational Environment

“The 21st century global security environment is threatened by a constellation of factors such as the rate of economic, geopolitical, social, climate, environmental, and technological changes across the globe. NATO’s future challenges will include conventional and non-conventional threats, regular and irregular warfare, and humanitarian crises.

Artificial Intelligence technologies will provide a means for leaders to sort through the chaos and make critical ethical decisions. Future NATO military operations will rely on the information provided by Artificial Intelligence networks and systems as they support the information network required to sustain global security. This presentation will examine the role of Artificial Intelligence technologies and its contribution toward ensuring global security”.

Prof. Yvonne R. Masakowski is an outstanding specialist in the field of psychology and human factors in the context of security and defense. He currently serves as Emeritus Professor of Strategic Leadership and Command Development at the US Naval War College Leadership and Ethics.

The seminar will be hosted on Wednesday, June 16 at 15:00 CET at the MS TEAMS platform with open access through the link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3a30df2c03f8824d1784d2be3f1d6eb83b%40thread.tacv2/1623315347268?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d501184b-b8c1-4859-a723-a50e2d910ad5%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%223912e2e3-c980-4782-b0fa-3479635ad16a%22%7d 

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